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Skill Challenge Videos

Tutorial video, The "Skill Challenge".  Scroll down to view in video player

Primary skills

Basic Challenge

  1. #001 Make a cross with half-lap joints posted!   

  2. #002 Make a square frame posted!

  3. #003 Make a diagonal part (leaf) posted!

  4. #004 Make an X with a 60° half-lap joint posted!

  5. Make a diamond shape frame posted!

  6. Make a triangle frame posted!

  7. Make three Asanoha leaves and fit them into a triangle posted!

  8. Make a Mitsukude joint​ posted!

Step.2  Kumiko Pattern Collection

  1. Make Kaku-Asanoha part 1(frame), part 2(leaves) Posted!

  2. Make Futae-bishi 

  3. Make Asanoha with Mitsukude frame.

  4. Make Gomagara

Step.3 Panel challenge with Kumiko

  1. Make a 4 square Kaku-Asanoha panel

  2. Make a Asanoha panel.

Primary skills for kumiko4u

Here are three important techniques for making kumiko with the kumiko4u Cutting Board.
This video shows you how to make the precise notches needed to make the primary frame.
You may find innovative ways of notching that you have never seen before.

Skill Challenge #001
Make a cross with half-lap joints

Kumiko is a really fun art form, but it can be a daunting world for beginners. In the "Skill Challenge" series, we show you how to use the kumiko4u cutting system to make Kumiko Art from the very beginning.
The first one is "Half lap joint". 

Skill Challenge #002
Make a square frame

In the second part of the "Skill Challenge" series, we will try to make a square frame using the kumiko4u cutting system. We will use the half lap joint technique from the first session to improve our skills.

Skill Challenge #003

Make a diagonal part (leaf)

Video of Part 3 of the Skills Challenge. This time we will make a diagonal leaf. In the previous Skill Challenge Part 2, we used half-lap joints to create a square frame. Now we will create a leaf that will fit into that frame.

Skill Challenge #004

Make an X with a 60° half-lap joint

This time we will try a 60-degree half-lap joint.
This skill is necessary when making Asanoha frames, leaves for  gomagara, etc.

Skill Challenge #005 Make a Hishi frame(diamond shape)

This time we will make a Hishi(diamond shape frame). Hishi is one of the basic Kumiko Jigumi(main frame).

Skill Challenge #006 Triangle frame

Create a triangle frame with two angular notches, one at 120 degrees and the other at 60 degrees. This skill leads to Mitsukude.

Skill Challenge #007 Asanoha leaves

We will make leaves for Asanoha using 30 and 60 degree kumiko4u sanding bases in the triangle frame we created last time.

Skill Challenge #008 
Mitsukude Joint

Mitsukude is one of the basic Jigumi of Kumiko along with Masu and Hishi. This is a difficult but essential skill for making kumiko.

Pattern Collection Kaku-Asanoha 1/2 - frames -

This is a series of explanations of kumiko art patterns as we make them. The first issue is Kaku-Asanoha.

Pattern Collection Kaku-Asanoha 2/2 - leaves-

This is a series of explanations of kumiko art patterns as we make them. The first issue is Kaku-Asanoha's second half. I'm making leaves for Asanoha

Skill Challenge Videos: Tips & Advice
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